Since our August negotiation update, your UMPSA Negotiating Team has continued to bargain with the UMaine System (UMS) Negotiating Team, typically once a week or (unfortunately) once every other week.

We have made progress on several items, tentatively agreeing to six proposals & counter-proposals and awaiting final word on four others.

While this is positive and shows the UMaine System appears to be bargaining in good faith, it’s not nearly enough progress and things are not happening on their end anywhere near the pace we deserve. We’ve been at this since May, for crying out loud. C’mon.

They are waiting for nothing from our side. When they present us their proposals and counter-proposals, your Negotiating Team meets quickly, often during lunchtimes, weekends, and evenings, and provides the System Chief Negotiator with quick well-thought responses and counter-proposals. Is the slogging speed of this process frustrating? Hell, yeah. And we know it’s frustrating for you as well.

We assure you that your negotiating team is doing everything we can do to bring a good and fair contract across the finish line for you to vote on.

Having said all that, we are still far apart on some issues we know are important to you, particularly on salary. We recently crafted and presented an extensive counter-package that will offer us all better pay and a better work-life balance. Unfortunately, we cannot divulge the details of that right now as we await their response.

Thank you to those who’ve reached out to us individually and offered your support and understanding as we fight for you and your family.

We may call upon you for assistance if things drag on even further beyond what is reasonable. Our patience is running thin. Stay tuned.

In Solidarity,

Neil Greenberg, Co-Chief Negotiator, UMPSA President
Tom Donaghue, Co-Chief Negotiator, UMPSA Vice President
Sara Abronze, Negotiation Secretary