
We’re here to help!

Feel free to reach out to your Campus or Greivance Reps with any questions you have.

UMPSA Leadership


Neil Greenberg
461D Aubert Hall
Orono, Maine 04469

office: 207-581-2759
[email protected]

Term: 5/1/23 – 4/30/25

Vice President

Tom Donaghue
101 South Street
Farmington, ME 04938

office: 207-778-7129
[email protected]

Term: 5/1/23 – 4/30/25


Hilda F. Lopes
Glickman Library
Portland, ME 04104

office: 207-780-4506
[email protected]

Term: 6/1/19 – 5/31/24


Noreen Cremin
Catherine Cutler Institute
Wishcamper Center
34 Bedford Street
Portland, Maine 04104

office: 207-228-8190
[email protected]

Term: 6/1/24 – 5/31/26

UMPSA Campus & Grievance Reps

University Of Maine

Neil Greenberg
461D Aubert Hall
Orono, Maine 04469

office: 207-581-2759
[email protected]

University of Maine at Augusta

Frear Hook
210A Alumni Center
Augusta, ME 04430

office: 207-621-3460
[email protected]

University of Maine at Farmington

Jen Pageot
152 Quebec Street
Farmington, ME 04938

office: 207-778-7437
[email protected]

University of Maine at Fort Kent

Position Vacant

University of Maine at Machias

Position Vacant

University of Maine at Presque Isle

Dan LaLonde
211 Pullen Hall
181 Main Street 
Presque Isle, ME 04769

office: 207-768-9636
[email protected] 

University of Southern Maine - Portland Campus

Jerry Brokos
144 Luther Bonney Hall
96 Falmouth St
Portland, ME 04104

office: 207-780-4575
[email protected]

University of Southern Maine - Gorham Campus

Brian Pomelow

office: 207-780-5376
[email protected]

University of Southern Maine - Lewiston Campus

Danielle Letourneau
51 Westminster Street
Lewiston, ME 04350

office: 207-753-6589
[email protected]

UMPSA Executive Board

Neil Greenberg

UMPSA President

University of Maine

office: 207-581-2759
[email protected]

Tom Donaghue

UMPSA Vice President

University of Maine at Farmington

office: 207-778-7129
[email protected]

Hilda F. Lopes

UMPSA Treasurer

University of Southern Maine

office: 207-780-4506
[email protected]

Noreen Cremin

​UMPSA Secretary

University of Southern Maine

office: 207-228-8190
[email protected]

Sara Abronze

University of Southern Maine

office: 207-780-5774
[email protected]

Jerry Brokos

University of Southern Maine

office: 207-780-4575
[email protected]

Frear Hook

University of Maine at Augusta

office: 207-621-3460
[email protected]

Dan LaLonde

University of Maine at Presque Isle

office: 207-768-9636
[email protected] 

Danielle Letourneau

University of Southern Maine

office: 207-753-6589
[email protected]

Brian Pomelow

University of Southern Maine

office: 207-780-5376
[email protected]

2023/24 UMPSA Negotiating Team

Co-Chief Negotiator

Neil Greenberg
University of Maine
461D Aubert Hall
Orono, Maine 04469

office: 207-581-2759
[email protected]

Co-Chief Negotiator

Tom Donaghue
University of Maine at Farmington
101 South Street
Farmington, ME 04938

office: 207-778-7129
[email protected]

Sara Abronze

University of Southern Maine
Catherine Cutler Institute
Wishcamper Center
34 Bedford Street
Portland, Maine 04104

office: 207-780-5774
[email protected]

Jerry Brokos

University of Southern Maine
144 Luther Bonney Hall
96 Falmouth St
Portland, ME 04104

office: 207-780-4575
[email protected]

Ariel Cassista

University of Maine at Augusta
Randall Student Center

office: 207-621-3350
[email protected]

Chris Fox

University of Southern Maine – Lewiston Campus
51 Westminster Street

office: 207-753-6500
[email protected]

Frear Hook

University of Maine at Augusta
210A Alumni Center
Augusta, ME 04430

office: 207-621-3460
[email protected]

Kate McCarty

University of Maine Cooperative Extension – Cumberland County
75 Clearwater Drive, Ste.104
Falmouth, ME 04105

office: 207-581-8363
[email protected]

Brian Pomelow

University of Southern Maine – Gorham Campus

office: 207-780-5376
[email protected]

Have a Question? Get In Touch.