We are happy to announce that the 1-year contract extension to our 2021-2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement has been overwhelmingly ratified by your fellow dues-paying UMPSA union members. A total of 211 dues-paying members voted (more than 47%) and the extension passed with 207 in favor and 4 against.
The next step is for the UMaine System Board of Trustees to formally ratify it. We are told this will happen at the next BOT meeting in July.
What does the 1-year contract extension mean for you? You will see a 3% increase to your salary in your July paycheck and there will be no other changes to the 2021-2023 contract.
We’ll keep you posted. Thank you to all who voted.
Neil Greenberg, Co-Chief Negotiator
Tom Donaghue, Co-Chief Negotiator