UMPSA Constitution



Section 1.

The Name of this organization is the Universities of Maine Professional Staff Association (UMPSA). This organization shall be an affiliate of the Maine Education Association (MEA) and the National Education Association (NEA).


Section 1.

To work for the advancement of higher education and the improvement of education opportunities for the people of Maine.

Section 2.

To promote among the professional staff of the University of Maine System the highest professional practices and a spirit of professional ethics.

Section 3.

To cooperate with community organizations and civic bodies for the improvement of education and to inform the public of the functions and problems of public higher education.

Section 4.

To promote the professional welfare of the members of the University of Maine System professional staff by improving salaries, job security, retirement systems and other conditions of employment, including those for professional research and scholarship, so as to attract and retain highly qualified professional staff.

Section 5.

To act as the collective bargaining agent for the professional staff of the University of Maine System.


Section 1.

Active membership shall be available to those professional employees of the University of Maine System who are eligible for membership in the professional staff bargaining unit and who pay appropriate dues. Such persons shall be entitled to vote, hold office, and serve on UMPSA committees.

Section 2.

For cause shown, a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board of UMPSA may censure, suspend or expel any member. Such action may take place only after due notice (at least thirty (30) days), adequate opportunity to reply in writing (two (2) weeks), and a hearing.

In the event an adverse action is taken, said member shall have the right to appeal the decision to a seven member appellate jury which shall be comprised of Delegate Assembly members according to the following selection procedure: The MEA Director of the Higher Education District shall make available a current listing of Delegate Assembly members from which the aggrieved party and the UMPSA president shall select the seven jurors under a striking procedure. The decision of the jury shall be binding on all parties.

Section 3 Rights of Membership

The Association shall not deny membership to individuals on the basis of race, creed, sex, handicap, or national origin.

Section 4. Membership Year

The membership year shall be September 1 to August 31.

Section 5. Obligations of Membership

  1. All members shall adhere to the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession.
  2. All objectives of the Universities of Maine Professional Staff Association and the Maine Education Association.
  3. Active members shall hold appropriate memberships in the Maine Education Association and the National Education Association.
  4. To attend general meetings and support activities of the Association.

Section 6. Continuation of Membership

Membership shall be continuous until the member leaves the bargaining unit, resigns from the Association, or fails to pay membership dues.

Section 7. Due Process and Appeal

The Executive Board shall have the authority to censure, suspend or expel members for violations of Section 5. Charged members shall have the right to a due process hearing by the Executive Board and the right to appeal to the Delegate Assembly, which shall also afford a due process hearing.


Section 1.

The Delegate Assembly shall elect the officers of UMPSA. It shall also be the legislative body of UMPSA, with the power to transact all business of UMPSA, to assess dues, to approve the budget to enact legislation relative to UMPSA, to establish policy, and to make general regulations governing the work of the Executive Board.

Section 2.

The Delegate Assembly shall consist of the members of the Executive Board and the apportioned representatives from each chapter. Each chapter shall attempt to distribute its delegates to ensure proportional representation among its major units.

  1. Chapters (UMA, UMF, UMFK, UM, UMM, UMPI, USM, and SWS/ENM) shall be entitled to elect one (1) delegate to the Delegate Assembly each plus one (1) delegate for each ten (10) members or portion thereof.
  2. Chapters shall conduct elections through open nominations and secret ballot between February 15 and March 15 of each year.
  3. Delegates shall serve for a three (3) year term on a rotating basis beginning March 15 of the year in which they are elected.
  4. Alternate delegates for each chapter shall be elected at the same time and in the same manner as delegates. An alternate shall have the same rights and responsibilities as the delegate for the meeting at which he/she serves as a delegate. When attending a Delegate Assembly meeting as a delegate, the alternate must provide written certification of eligibility from the chapter president to the UMPSA president.
  5. Each chapter shall encourage ethnic and female/male representation proportionate to its ethnic and female/male membership.


Section 1.

The officers of the Universities of Maine Professional Staff Association (UMPSA) shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer.

Section 2.

Officers shall be elected by a majority of the Delegate Assembly. The term for the officers shall be for two (2) years to commence on June 1 and terminate on May 31.

Section 3.

If a vacancy occurs in the office of president, the vice president shall succeed to that office until the next Delegate Assembly. Vacancies in other offices shall be filled by the president with approval of the Executive Board.

Section 4.

The president shall:

  1. speak for UMPSA;
  2. preside at all meetings of the Delegate Assembly and Executive Board;
  3. advise and assist in preparing the annual program and budget for submission to the Executive Board and Delegate Assembly;
  4. vote to break a tie at the Delegate Assembly;
  5. appoint members to committees and serve ex-officio on all committees of UMPSA without voting privileges;
  6. perform all duties relevant to the office of the president.

Section 5

The vice president shall:

  1. assist the president and assume all presidential duties in the absence of the president;
  2. advise and assist in preparing the annual program and budget for submission to the Executive Board and Delegate Assembly;
  3. serve on all standing committees as an ex-officio member without voting privileges.

Section 6.

The secretary shall:

  1. keep a record of the minutes of all Delegate Assembly and Executive Board meetings;
  2. preside over meetings in the absence of the president and vice president and continue to serve until those present have named a chairperson pro tem;
  3. carry on the correspondence of the local association:
    • send invitations, thank you letters, etc.;
    • send letters to members when necessary;
    • send and reply to correspondence;
  4. notify officers, Executive Board, Delegate Assembly, and Executive Council members of meetings, agenda, and notify members of meeting changes and/or cancellations;
  5. file all correspondence received, treasurer’s reports, membership roster, directory of officers, committee members with addresses and telephone numbers and copies of all committee reports.

Section 7.

The treasurer shall:

  1. be responsible for all financial matters of UMPSA, subject to policy established by the Delegate Assembly and authorized by the Executive Board;
  2. prepare financial reports and circulate prior to the upcoming meeting;
  3. work closely with the Executive Council in the preparation of the budget for the coming year, summarizing current year’s expenditures, receipts by category, suggesting and advising on financial matters;
    (The Executive Council shall consist of the president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer of UMPSA.)

Section 8.

An officer may be removed for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Executive Board.


Section 1.

The Executive Board shall be the executive authority of UMPSA. It shall carry out the policies and instructions of the Delegate Assembly. It shall be responsible for the management of UMPSA, approve all expenditures, and report its transactions and those of the officers of the Executive Board to the members.

Section 2.

The Executive Board shall consist of:

  1. the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer;
  2. one (1) member from each chapter (UMA, UMF, UMFK, UM, UMM, UMPI, USM, and SWS/ENM) plus (1) member for each one hundred (100) members or portion thereof.
  3. Alternate member(s) of each chapter shall be elected in the same manner as Executive Board member(s) and have the same rights and responsibilities as the member.

Section 3.

Chapter(s) shall conduct elections of their Executive Board member(s) through open nominations and secret ballot. Chapter election results shall be submitted to the UMPSA president, no later than April 1. The term for Executive Board members shall be for one (1) year to commence June 1 of the year in which they are elected.

Section 4.

Each Chapter Executive Board member(s) shall:

  1. communicate UMPSA’s positions on relevant issues to their local chapter(s);
  2. be responsible for communicating the concerns of their respective chapters to the Executive Board;
  3. attend regular and/or special meetings of the Executive Board and Delegate Assembly;
  4. inform chapter alternate(s) and/or chapter president when unable to attend a meeting;
  5. serve on UMPSA’s standing committees and/or ad hoc committees as requested by the president;
  6. inform chapter membership of available training and/or workshops.

Section 5.

An UMPSA member serving on the MEA Political Action Committee shall serve a term consistent with the MEA PAC Constitution and communicate UMPSA’s positions on relevant issues to the PAC Executive Board.

Section 6.

An UMPSA member serving on the MEA Board of Directors shall:

  1. be elected according to the “Governance Document” of the MEA for a term of three (3) years;
  2. communicate UMPSA’s positions on relevant issues to the MEA Board of Directors;
  3. meet regularly with the president and vice president;
  4. serve on the Executive Board as an ex-officio member, without voting privileges.


Section 1.

Amendments to the Constitution shall be initiated in the following manner:

  1. majority vote of a chapter Executive Committee; or
  2. majority vote of the Executive Board; or
  3. on the recommendation of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.

Section 2.

Each amendment shall be ratified by a majority of the members of the Delegate Assembly.

Section 3.

The Executive Board is authorized to make nonsubstantive housekeeping changes in the Constitution.